Rental Registration

The City of Jackson has relaunched its rental registration program for rental housing units in the City of Jackson. This will revitalize our code enforcement program by protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public. There are now more rentals in the City than homeowner occupied units. We must protect all investments in the City and enforce basic standards of property maintenance.


The registration data will be an essential resource in the enforcement of regulations by requiring a local agent to act on behalf of the owner. Contacting a local agent will allow the City of Jackson to hold landlord's accountable for property maintenance.

The City of Jackson will continue to protect the health, safety, and welfare of tenants and the investments of all property owners by enforcing the property maintenance code.


Please register your rental property here  to receive a Rental Certificate.


Property Maintenance Code

2018 International Property Maintenance Code (with amendments) (ordinance adoption here)

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