Purpose of Site Plan Review

Site Plan Review shall be required, as stated by the provisions of the City of Jackson Zoning Ordinance, to

  1. Ensure compliance with City zoning and other ordinances on large scale and other projects,
  2. Expedite procedures necessary for the obtaining of building permits,
  3. Provide the developer with a central review of a development proposal,
  4. Conserve the time and efforts of City employees in the various department

What are the submission requirements?

Submission Requirements for Conceptual Review/Conference:

  • Completed Application – As complete as possible at early stages.
  • Fee – No fee for conceptual review/conference review.
  • Proposed Plans (no details or drainage calculations required)

Submission Requirements for Formal Submittal:

  • Application
  • Fee - $301 for the first acre, plus 3.00 for each additional
  • Ownership Authorization Form signed and uploaded. https://www.jacksonms.gov/documents/site-plan-review-owner-authorization-form/
  • Utility Demand Survey
  • Site Plan Set includes the following sheets (Sheets can be combined when appropriate. Plans should be clearly legible, use a variety of line types and line weights.)
  • Cover Sheet
  • Survey
  • Site Plan
  • Utility Plans
  • Grading and Drainage Plans
  • Landscape Plan w/Schedule
  • Architectural Building Elevations
  • Details (Lighting, Dumpster Location, Signs)

Submission Procedure:


  • Site Plan Review Committee meetings are held every Thursday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. in the Andrew Jackson Conference Room (1st floor) of the Hood Building, located at 200 S. President St., Jackson, MS.
  • Completed application, all drawings, plans and fees should be submitted using the Online Portal - jacksonms.viewpointcloud.com
  • In order to be placed on the next week’s agenda YOU MUST SUBMIT ON OR BEFORE NOON ON WEDNESDAY using the online portal
  • If you have questions about Site Plan Review, call Joseph Warnsley at (601) 960-2253 or email him at jwarnsley@city.jackson.ms.us

Is a Site Plan Required?

A site plan shall be required for the following:

  1. Adult entertainment establishments
  2. All Uses requiring a Use Permit
  3. All development to be located within C-4, Central Business District; Old Capitol Green, OCG; UV, Urban Village District; UTC, Urban Town Center District; NMU-1, Neighborhood Mixed Use, Pedestrian Oriented; CMU-1, Community Mixed Use, Pedestrian; High Street Overlay District; Fondren/North State St. Overlay District; the Corridor 80 (C80) District and Zoo/West Capital Street Overlay District
  4. Banks with drive-through windows
  5. Brewpub
  6. Convenience Type Grocery Stores
  7. Dairying and animal husbandry on sites of not less than one (1) acre
  8. Demolitions and redevelopment within C-1A Districts
  9. Developments of five (5) acres or more
  10. Distillery
  11. Fast food restaurants with drive-through windows
  12. Medical Cannabis Related Businesses
  13. Modular Commercial Buildings
  14. Multi-family development including condominiums
  15. Other special cases and projects that may be brought to the Committee's attention by the City Council, the Planning Director, Zoning Administrator, or Planning Board
  16. Nightclubs
  17. Planned Unit Developments
  18. Private Kennels
  19. Private Stables
  20. Produce Stands
  21. Public utilities facilities and structures required to provide essential public services
  22. Residential subdivisions or re-subdivisions of property
  23. Restaurants
  24. Commercial Communications Towers
  25. Small Craft Brewery
  26. Service Stations
  27. Retail Stand
  28. Structures in excess of forty-five (45) feet in height
  29. Substantial remodeling or additions that"
    1. Affect existing off-street parking;
    2. Change the land use of the building(s) involved; or
    3. Increase the square footage of existing non-residential structures fifteen (15) percent or more.
  30. Vendor Park