NSD aims to educate the citizens of Jackson on how to do business with the city, take advantage of available opportunities, and understand how to navigate the governmental process. These are the different educational programs designed to inform the public of how our local government works.

Affordable Housing Opportunity

Like many older cities across the nation, Jackson faces a housing stock crisis. For varied reasons there is a lack of available affordable housing city-wide. Many hours of critical thinking and strategic planning was optimal in getting new legislature for infill development possibilities. This class will inform of the different housing options available to those who would like to live within the city of Jackson. You will also learn of funding opportunities for down payment assistance and subsidy layering.

Code Services

Code Services Division includes, Code Enforcement, Community Improvement, Rental Registration, and Business Permits. Code enforcement inspectors identify properties within the city of Jackson that are in violation of city ordinances and codes or that do not have the property permits or licenses. Rental registration inspectors investigate rental properties for code violations. All violations are reported to Community Improvement for mitigation. Enroll in this class to understand the compliance process.

Economic Development

The Office of Economic Development is comprised of five (5) divisions which include: Business Licensing, Business Development Assistance, Business Development, Economic Development Program, Real Estate (Surplus Properties). Enroll in this class to learn how to set your business up right, the proper way to obtain a city of Jackson business license, obtain a minority business designation and so much more.

Historic Preservation

Historic Preservation is a major component to Zoning and Land Use and demands that properties in historic districts adhere to the architectural style of the period in which it was built. Enroll in this class to understand what you can and cannot do to a property that is located within a historical district or has historical significance.

How Did We Get Here?

Jackson, Mississippi is an absolutely beautiful city! Unfortunately, as in most cities, many of its neighborhoods have experienced some degree of urban decay. Clearly, the Jackson that we see today is not the Jackson of yesteryear. In the 1960’s, Jackson was a thriving metropolitan city flourishing with culture and energy. This module will show the inequitable planning and lack of planning this city has experienced for decades; but it will also highlight the resilience of this city and its citizens. As an informational module, this lecture will provide information and the implementation of a fresh vision for a strong Capital City involving solutions to revitalize communities throughout.

Planning 101

What is a planner? Better yet, what is planning? This course will give you an appreciation for what a planner is and what we do. You will learn what an Associate Planner does and the responsibilities of a Senior Planner. You will be introduced to all five divisions of the City of Jackson's Planning and Development Department and each division's respective functions. This step-by-step module will provide you with a profound knowledge of how to better navigate through the inner machinations of what we call the Planning and Development Department.

Planning Services

The Office of Housing and Community Development offers several programs for those seeking homeownership, home repair, rental assistance, and housing for homeless individuals or are at risk of homelessness. Enroll in this class and learn about the Down Payment Assistance Program, Limited Repair Program, Healthy Homes Production Grant Program, HOPWA - Housing for People With Aids, and ESG - the Emergency Solutions Grant. You will learn how these federally funded programs work and gain a better understanding of the City of Jackson's grant process. J-Tran, our public transit system is currently updating its bus routes and the bus system itself. Learn of J-Tran's senior citizen benefits along with the new transit app for all bus riders when you enroll in this class. Please indicate below if you would like to enroll in this course.

Site Plan Review

Before a development starts or any shovel ever touches the ground, all proposed projects must be submitted to Site Plan Review which is located in the Zoning Department. SPR determines the appropriateness of all new developments that has decided to call Jackson home. All modifications to existing sites also must be reviewed by Site Plan Review. before any work can commence. This class is great for new developers or anyone thinking about opening a new business or renovating an existing business.

Viewpoint Cloud - OpenGov

The entire Planning Department is now GREEN! Every application, all information can be found online via the OpenGov portal. This course will teach you how to report a violation in Code Services, Register your Neighborhood Association with Neighborhood Services Division, Apply for a Business License or a Permit with Economic Development, report a Zoning Violation, and Register your Rental Property with Rental Registration.

Zoning and Land Use*

Incompatible land uses can stunt the growth and development of an area and destroy its culture and historical significance. That is why the appropriate zoning is so important to the longevity of a neighborhood. Zoning and Land Use also covers Site Plan Review which determines the appropriateness of new developments and compliance with established business. Enroll in this class to understand how Zoning and Land Use effect a neighborhood.

* Course is Mandatory if applying for Grant funding.