What is HOPWA?
The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program was established under the AIDS Housing Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 12901) in 1990 and amended by the Housing Community Development Act of 1992. The HOPWA Program is the only Federal program dedicated to address the housing needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. The program is designed to provide States and localities with the resources and incentives to devise long-term comprehensive strategies for meeting the housing needs of low-income persons with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and their families.
For More Info see HUD Exchange: https://www.hudexchange.info/
About the Program
The goal of the program is to provide housing assistance and supportive services for income-eligible individuals living with HIV/AIDS and their families to establish or better maintain a stable living environment in housing that is decent, safe, and sanitary, to reduce the risk of homelessness, and to improve access to health care and supportive services.
Program Administration
The HOPWA program is administered by the Development Assistance Division (DAD) in the Office of Housing and Community Development, which receives annual formula grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). DAD contracts with three (3) Project Sponsor(s) for the delivery of service, serving Hinds, Copiah, Simpson, Rankin, and Madison County areas.
HOPWA Applicant Requirements
Low–income persons that are medically diagnosed with HIV and their families are eligible to receive HOPWA funded assistance. Applicants are screened for eligibility based on jurisdiction and household income levels. The amount of household income to be eligible may change annually by HUD and would require disclosure of family earnings to HOPWA personnel to identify eligibility status.
To apply for HOPWA assistance contact:
Grace House at (601) 353-1038
Mississippi United to End Homelessness (MUTEH) at (601) 960-0557