Mayor Lumumba declares State of Emergency after severe storm damage. Click here.


The City of Jackson’s Water and Sewer Business Administration is now JXN Water. Click here.



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City of Jackson Newsletter Oct-Dec 11, 2021

Posted on December 6, 2021

Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba outlined his vision for the City of Jackson and its residents at his 2021 State of the City Address on Oct. 26. The mayor spoke to his accomplishments in the last year and reiterated his vision for a dignity economy where all residents enjoy a quality of life and the pursuit of happiness. Lumumba, first elected as the youngest mayor in the city’s history in 2017, was re-elected for another four years on June 8, making history as the city’s first two-term mayor in over two decades.

Read more here: City of Jackson newsletter

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