Virgi Lindsay Ward 7
Ward 7
A resident of Jackson since 1980, Councilwoman Virgi Lindsay worked for more than 15 years as executive director of the Greater Belhaven Foundation.
In May 2001, Virgi became the first Executive Director of the Greater Belhaven Foundation, a 501(c) 3 organization. Through her leadership, Greater Belhaven was named one of only 10 Great Neighborhoods in America in 2014 by the prestigious American Planning Association as a part of its Great Places in America Program. Virgi also received the Award of Excellence for outstanding leadership as a Mississippi Main Street director in 2015; and was named Woman of the Year for her contributions to community service by the Mississippi Commission on the Status of Women in 2013.
Virgi was elected to the Ward 7 City Council seat in July 2017, winning with nearly 68 percent of the vote over three opponents. In early June 2021, she was reelected to another four-year term winning by 83% of the vote. She has served or is serving as the Council's President, Vice President, and as Chair of the Council's Legislative, Finance, Rules, Planning, Water Ad-Hoc, Public Works and Public Safety Committees. Additionally, she has served or is serving as Vice Chair of the Legislative, Education/Youth Ad Hoc, Government Operations, Rules and Planning & Economic Development Committees.
She has consistently supported initiatives aimed at nurturing programs and funding for minorities, women, and individuals facing economic hardship. Virgi’s track record underscores a commitment to building bridges and advancing equity, inclusion, and support for those less fortunate.
She holds a degree in communications from the University of Southern Mississippi and has received additional training in urban and community development. She previously worked as a reporter at The Clarion-Ledger, and as a public relations and marketing director at Jackson Public Schools and the Mississippi Arts Commission.
Her volunteer activities include serving on the New Stage Theatre Board of Directors, the Junior League of Jackson, Downtown Jackson Partners Advisory Board, We Will Go Ministries, Capital Complex Improvement Board of Directors and is a supporting member of the Mississippi Museum of Art. She is a member of the Belhaven Home and Garden Club, Ladies of the Book Club and the St. Richard Catholic Church, where she has been a member for 41 years. She and her husband, Chuck, have two grown children, Chaz and Mary-Michael. Chaz lives and operates a business in Jackson and Mary-Michael resides in Jackson with her husband Coyt.
Contact Information
- Email: vlindsay@city.jackson.ms.us
- Phone: 601-960-1063