Mayor Lumumba declares State of Emergency after severe storm damage. Click here.


The City of Jackson’s Water and Sewer Business Administration is now JXN Water. Click here.



PEG Network Off-Air Announcement: PEG Network is currently off the air as we undergo a relocation. We appreciate your patience during this transition.

In the meantime, you can stay connected with PEG Network here or visit our YouTube channel at


The Department of Planning and Development is seeking submission of proposals from qualified professional firms for professional assistance with the following project: A Hotel and Parking Garage Feasibility/Market Analysis in the Central Business District of Downtown Jackson, Mississippi. Services needed include Inventory and Analysis of Existing Conditions, Conceptual Site Plans, and Market Feasibility reports of general uses. One (1) original and eight (8) signed copies of the proposal must be received no later than 3:30 P. M., on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at the City Clerk’s Office, 219 S. President Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39201. Mailed proposals should be addressed to the Office of the City Clerk, P.O. Box 17, Jackson, MS  39205-0017. Packets should be sealed and clearly marked “Proposal for The Hotel and Parking Garage Feasibility/Market Analysis in the Central Business District of Downtown Jackson, Mississippi.”

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