Mission Statement
To protect and improve the water quality of the City of Jackson’s creeks, tributaries, and drainage systems that lead to the Pearl River. The City’s program will educate the public, construction industry, and other stakeholders on storm water pollution prevention related issues and permitting requirements that focus on controlling runoff, minimizing discharge of pollutants to receiving waters, improving public health and safety, natural environment and water resource use.
Vision Statement
To continually improve the City of Jackson’s environmental efforts to ensure compliance with the Storm Water Permit issued by the State of Mississippi and other federal, state, and local storm water regulations.
The following are goals of the City of Jackson Storm Water Management Program:
1. Identify, reduce, and eliminate pollutants in storm water runoff discharged to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) by following the six minimum control measures that guide the Storm Water Management Program:
- Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts
- Public Involvement/Participation
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)
- Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control
- Post-Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment
- Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
2. Collaborate effectively with federal and state environmental agencies, and other environmental quality focused groups, to enhance storm water quality efforts that will benefit the City of Jackson and the environment.