Tax Incentives

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Tax Increment Financing (TIF)

A tool for the provision of public improvements, without which projects would not be undertaken. The City of Jackson facilitates development in return for public benefits by issuing TIF bonds. The incremental taxes generated by the private development pay the debt service on the bonds.

Ad Valorem

The City of Jackson, pursuant to State Tax exemption laws, offers ad valorem tax exemptions to encourage development and economic growth. By law, school district taxes are not abatable. The City may also at its discretion designate which taxes will be abated. A listing of the abated millage can be obtained from the Office of Economic Development.

  • Ad Valorem Finished Goods Inventory

All or any portion of the value of the products, including finished goods, can be exempted from ad valorem taxation. Legally school district taxes and several other taxes cannot be discharged. The City of Jackson exempts such products and goods in order to encourage development.

  • Ad Valorem Free Port Warehouse

The City of Jackson grants free port warehouse exemptions to applicants within its boundaries on inventory to be sold outside the State of Mississippi.  Legally school district taxes and several other taxes cannot be discharged. The City of Jackson exempts such products and goods in order to encourage development.

  • Ad Valorem Special District Tax

The City of Jackson considers applications for ad valorem tax exemptions on new structures and renovations of existing structures within its central business district, urban renewal areas, redevelopment districts, historic landmark sites, and historic preservations districts. The City of Jackson offers ad valorem tax exemptions to encourage development and economic growth. School district taxes cannot be abated.